On the occasion of the 70th national commemoration of the flood in 2023, the Zeeuws Concertkoor, Vocal Ensemble Cantare, Chamber Orchestra TY, mezzo Helena van Heel perform the monumental The Flood, Requiem. This is happening at various locations in the area in Zeeland and South Holland affected by the flood of 1953. Conducted by Pim Overduin.
Premiere new version
Especially for the 70th anniversary in 2023, I made a new arrangement of The Flood, Requiem for a smaller orchestra, commissioned by the Zeeuws Concertkoor and Vocal Ensemble Cantare.
Dates & Venues

St. Jacobskerk, Vlissingen, Netherlands
January 27th, 2023
20:00 - 22:30
J S Bach, Passacaglia, part 1 – Gustav Mahler, Kindertotenlieder – Douwe Eisenga, The Flood Requiem 1953 – Zeeuws Concertkoor & Vocaal Ensemble Cantare – TY Zeeuws Kamerorkest – Helena van Heel, mezzo-soprano – Jacco Lamfers, piano – André Poortvliet, organ – Pim Overduin, conductor – More info and buy your tickets here

Grote of St. Magdalenakerk, Goes, Netherlands
January 28th, 2023
20:00 - 22:30
Witness Images Tholen / Stavenisse – Poem by child – Léon Bours, Hoort gij de zee – Douwe Eisenga, The Flood Requiem 1953 – Zeeuws Concertkoor & Vocaal Ensemble Cantare – TY Zeeuws Kamerorkest – Helena van Heel, mezzo-soprano – Jacco Lamfers, piano – Pim Overduin, conductor - More info and buy your tickets here

Nieuwe Kerk Zierikzee, Zierikzee, Netherlands
February 2nd, 2023
20:00 - 22:30
Douwe Eisenga, piano solo -he Flood Requiem 1953 – Zeeuws Concertkoor & Vocaal Ensemble Cantare – TY Zeeuws Kamerorkest – Helena van Heel, mezzo-soprano – Jacco Lamfers, piano – Pim Overduin, conductor - More info and buy your tickets here

Atrium Gemeentehuis Tholen, Tholen, Netherlands
February 4th, 2023
20:00 - 22:30
Douwe Eisenga, piano solo - Witness Images Tholen / Stavenisse – Kees Slager reads – Douwe Eisenga, The Flood Requiem 1953 – Zeeuws Concertkoor & Vocaal Ensemble Cantare – TY Zeeuws Kamerorkest – Helena van Heel, mezzo-soprano – Jacco Lamfers, piano – Pim Overduin, conductor - More info and buy your tickets here

Nieuwe Kerk Zierikzee, Zierikzee, Netherlands
February 5th, 2023
14:30 - 17:00
J S Bach, Passacaglia, part 1 – Gustav Mahler, Kindertotenlieder – The Flood Requiem 1953 – Zeeuws Concertkoor & Vocaal Ensemble Cantare – TY Zeeuws Kamerorkest – Helena van Heel, mezzo-soprano – Jacco Lamfers, piano – André Poortvliet, organ - Pim Overduin, conductor - More info and buy your tickets here
During the concerts, the Watersnoodmuseum will set up a small exhibition at the various concert locations. In addition, images from the photo archive of the Watersnoodmuseum will be shown during the concert.
new cd release
First released in 2003 as Requiem 1953, remastered and released in 2019 as The Flood, Requiem on digital platforms. Now I am very happy with this third release on Butler Records / V2 Benelux.
The album - with the brilliant design of Snowball - will be released in digipack with a 32-page (!) booklet, including the complete lyrics and the diary that I kept twenty years ago while writing
the Requiem.
The release accompanies the five performances of the requiem by the Zeeuws Concertkoor, Vocaal Ensemble Cantare and Kamerorkest TY on the 70th anniversary of the flood disaster that struck the
Netherlands in 1953. These concerts take place at the end of January and the beginning of February 2023.
The album contains the remaster of the recording of the performance twenty years ago by the Zeeuws Orkest and the Zeeuws Philharmonisch Koor. The NRC wrote at the time: “In his immediately convincing The Flood, Requiem, the Dutch composer Douwe Eisenga combines the Latin tradition with modern texts and recognizable, sometimes medieval musical forms. The Flood is an enchanting requiem with energetic rhythmic choral parts, a wealth of effective contrasts and lyrical mystique”.


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