In 2016 the Belgium piano quartet Origami Ensemble (Thibaut Crassin, François Mardirossian, Gian Ponte & Claryana Sotero) commissioned me to write a short piece for 2
pianos - 8 hands.
They did a great job during the premiere in Brussels and the ensemble was planning to record the piece for their first album. Due to circumstances this release was never realized.
A while ago I stumbled upon the composition again and made a new (virtual) demo.
The title Echoes is rather self-explaining. Two pianos, four pianists who are constantly chasing each other, echoing each others phrases. After a quiet first half of the piece, the second half is pretty groovy.

The sheet music (score & parts) can be ordered as pdf at the music section of this site or as hardcopy at my publisher Donemus
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