Dear visitors,
Sometimes things don't work out the way you expected. Three years ago I presented a new site built around a unique concept of buying and sharing music at the same time.
I did a lot of very promising investigating in this concept and was rather convinced that this idea of Give Music, Get Music would give my musical partner Jakko van
der Heijden and me at least the artistic freedom to write and record music the way we wanted.
It took almost three years to get from the starting idea to a fully functional website. I think - in hindsight - the main reason why this sharing concept never got wings, is that in the same
three years, the core of my idea - the mp3 - died as a current product. People did buy albums though and downloads, but it turned out that a lot of visitors hesitated to give an
album-download as a gift to friends.
After a while it became clear that something had to change. That I had to start over again, building a new site from scratch, leaving the idea of Give Music, Get Music. Leaving a site that was a bit too expensive to maintain.
Sometimes things don't work out the way you expected. However it didn't depressed me. I loved the years of developing the idea to a functional site, I loved working side by side with the devoted
team from the company who built the site. I loved writing the newsletters (and I will continue to do so) and I loved building a new site again. It is simply fun to do things like this and it
doesn't matter when things go wrong, as long as you learn from the mistakes you make. Like Edison said about his numerous, numerous failed attempts to build a light bulb : "I
didn't fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps."
Many thanks to Jakko van der Heijden & Walter Calbo and to the team of Nedbase for all those great years and of course thanks and love to my family.
And last, but not least, thank you for all your support. For listening, playing and sharing my music!! We'll keep in touch on this brand new site !!
with kind regards,
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