Three Interviews

These weeks, three interviews were published following the opening of the exhibition Om Mattia en de Anderen of Katja Bosch and  Janpeter Muilwijk, the premiere of For Mattia and the release of the eponymous CD single.

Jan van Damme wrote an interview with Katja, Janpeter and me for the PZC  (Provincial Zeeland Courant), Theo Rietveld wrote the article in the Faam.

Altough they are in are in Dutch., you can click here to view and read the articles.


Last Thursday, September 14th, I was talking to Lex Bohlmeijer about the creation of For Mattia in his Radio 4 program Passaggio.

You can listen to the item via this link, it starts at approximately 29 minutes. (also in Dutch, sorry...)